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Elimination Communication: Can babies REALLY go diaper free from birth?

Writer's picture: DirectorDirector

The short answer is YES, yes they can. Although it does require a lot of responsive attention on the part of the parent or caregiver and is quite the commitment to learning how your baby communicates. However, you'd be surprised at how naturally it comes to babies right from the start!

If you haven't heard the term Elimination Communication before, this article will provide you with a brief introduction to the concept so hang tight and read on.

As GoDiaperFree founder, Angela Olsen, describes...

"The best way I can define EC is this:

Elimination Communication is a gentle, non-coercive way to respond to a baby’s natural hygiene needs, from as early as birth. Like all mammals, human babies instinctually resist soiling themselves, their sleep space, and their caregivers, and they clearly communicate about it from birth. With EC, we learn baby's signals and natural rhythms and assist them with this process until they naturally gain independence (usually by 9-18 months of age).

Another way to think about it: What did humans do before diapers? And what do humans do in regions where diapers are not commercially available?

An example: If you've ever cared for a baby who just won't stop crying, you probably tried feeding her, holding her, rocking her, shushing her, singing, etc, and then, last, checked her diaper...and find it was wet or soiled! However, if you had only known what that cry meant from the beginning, you'd have offered baby the potty. 9 times out of 10 she was crying for you to get that diaper off of her so she wouldn't have to pee on herself or her bed...or you.

With EC, we tune into what our babies are born asking for, team up to help them use the toilet while they develop motor skills and long-term memory, and eventually teach them how to do it themselves. It's a very natural transition to toilet independence.

EC works because this is how NATURE created us. Babies are extremely instinctual, and when we parents zoom out, we can see that they are trying to tell us what they want - beyond eating, sleeping, and staying warm!

Pottying your baby can make baby-raising cleaner, easier, and MUCH more connected. Plus, it protects the environment while your baby's dignity remains intact."

Elimination communication is a great way to not only learn your babies signs, but also to encourage language and improve their communications skills, as well as build trust that their needs are going to be met. As you recognize their signs and respond with words, labeling their need with even a sound or word, or phrase...over time they come to recognize that sound, word or phrase and even begin to use it one day to communicate their need verbally. But most of all, babies will be assured that the parent is aware of their needs and values their attempt to communicate, reassuring that the world is a safe place and their needs are always met.

Understandably, the concept of Elimination Communication can appear a bit intimidating at first. However, I promise it's not as daunting as as it sounds! You don't have to do it full time, it can be done part time or full time, early from birth or later on after 18 months. The most important KEY for me when it comes to Elimination Communication, is the COMMUNICATION piece! Whether a child uses the potty every single time or once in a while truly isn't the important piece, but rather that we are communicating consistently with the child regarding their elimination habits and needs. Even if changing a diaper and not using the potty at all, communication about what is happening and labeling the act is so necessary for development, language, and yes even bonding.

So please don't be intimidated by the concept and head on over to GoDiaperFree to get your copy of Amanda's guide and book on the topic. I promise you will feel a lot more confident about it once you do.

And please remember to use our referral link to help our organization as well. Thank you! =)

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